Now, the presumption here, for some of you, is you will not feel things.
You will become an idea of your spiritual self.
And that is not this teaching.
This is not about becoming emotionless — far from it.
It’s about not being reactive at a level of agreement that creates separation.
You may cry, you may laugh, you may enjoy, you may grieve in what we call the Upper Room.
But you do so in an awareness of the presence of God that must be in all things.
You are going to be challenged here to receive the True Self at the cost of your idea of what should be because you have been so entrained by logic, by culture, by religion, and by your alignments to the reality that you were born into that the idea of a consciousness that denies fear is still your idea of what it will look like, and not what it truly is.
You seek awakening. You don’t understand awakening.
You want realization on your own terms.
You deny God when you don’t like what you see, and you claim God when you do.
Your agreements to God are all born of the small self, who has painted a picture of God at the cost of truth.
To know God is to be without God and with God, and in the darkness and the light, and the totality of all, the totality of nothing, all at once.
You want to hear the angels sing.
You want it to appear as you saw in storybooks.
But the presence of God, the magnificent presence that is always here and would seek to know you in love, is denied by you because your expression still mandates what it should be.”
~ Paul Selig’s Guides in Alchemy