Welcome to…
A Studio for Unlimited-Ideas
Throughout this site I share many expressions, perceptions, and reminders from various sources and lineages. Since I consider us all artists, and our lives our canvas, feel free to use this content as an artist prepares colors on his/her palette. Only YOU know which ones will compliment your ‘piece’. I encourage you to add to that palette the very important medium of humor, as Anne Lamott once said “Laughter is carbonated holiness”. You are invited to explore my art and sprinkle your masterpiece with a chuckle, a chortle, even a guffaw!
About Paul
“Since you, like me, have always been and always will be, now ease into your duty and be that which you must be for this time and this place right now.”
–Bhagavad Gita
Inspiration collected from a wide variety of sources, reminding us that we are loved and supported in every moment.
We are all Unlimited Ideas and that the truly effective teachers are our ‘gurus’ within.
Living the Question Blog
“There ain’t no answer. There ain’t going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That’s the answer.” – Gertrude Stein
“Over my years experiencing this grand theater we call the “Earth Plane” thoughts and words have come into my awareness, through my hand or from reading books from many lineages, scribbled notes on paper bags, bumper stickers or song lyrics; the list is endless. They constantly enrich my understanding and expand my perspective.
The Living the Question Blog serves as a resting place for these ideas and a heartfelt reminder that in every moment we are enveloped in love and support.
The concept of Indra’s Net and it’s declaration of the interconnection of all things throughout time and eternity is the foundation behind this blog.
These readings are the individual beads in the net that have come from sources that continue to remind us of our connection not only to our surroundings but to one another.
The time has arrived for mankind to remember and embrace that connection.
Sometimes they become partial answers to those “big” questions like, “Who am I”, “Why am I Here?”, “What is my purpose?” Sometimes these questions appear answered, other times we are drawn to more and more questions that seem to have no answer at all; perhaps “the answer” is not the point really, but just to Live the Question.“
Recent Inspiration from the Blog
“Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system…” Rumi

Where to put my intention…..
Set an intention to clarify your intentions about the essential matters in your life.

You blasted into this realm as a lush explosion of ecstatic gratitude

Common karma…
Plenty of the karmic lessons each soul has set before them will be unique to the individual, but there will also be key ones that are...

I Have Come Into this World to See…
Because we have finally realized
there is just one flesh to wound……
Paul’s Books
A Favorite Blanket
A collection of Paul’s inspiration, poetry and art for those cold, dark nights to pull around your shoulders as if they were a Favorite Blanket.
On the Day Before You Came
Imagine on the day before you came onto the earth plane, you have a conversation with a Universe who lovingly prepares you for the trip.
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