Funny isn’t it….
How we’ve chosen
To be…
Led, shown, guided, taught, illumined, inspired….
While others choose
to be….
Shoved, tricked, cajoled, re-routed, mystified, shocked, mocked,
For as many paths,
There are as many
Up, down, this-a-way, that-a-way, in, out, time-linear, time-none
And for as many directions there are as many
We can choose to
Skip, slink, crawl dash, climb, float, trip, skate, fall, grasp, samba, tip-toe…
We choose to ‘do-it’ with;
Tears and sweat, with love and laughter, patience, anxiousness, joy or sorrow,
in our dreams, in our realities, in other realities
This life, next life, past life
Name it
It’s yours
For the moment
And ya know what?
We all get there
—Paul Reynolds