
Please allow your stories to be left at the door with your shoes.

You may pick them up if you really want them on your way back out.

They are not required to enter here.

Kiss your ego and allow it to be still.

As you achieve your comfortable seated posture and consciously take in your next breath, also take in this assurance…

There is no need to achieve anything here…

There is no need to defend anything here…

This is a safe place.

All is one, in breath and life. All is here—now.

If there is any request of you it is to allow yourself to remain present and as open as you can … to you!

It may be that you open wide to you today.

It may be that you peek through a crack and find a glimpse of you today.

The door opens, as you are ready.
No sooner.
No later.

And thus we create the connection – the YOGA –
between the anxiousness to see and patience needed to wait for the understanding.

It’s that space between the in-breath and the out-breath.

It may be uncomfortable at times.

Opening to ‘us’ can be so damn uncomfortable.

But it is in this space that we remember and receive.

Listen for it with your heart.

Feel it with your body.

Relish it with your spirit.

-Paul Reynolds

You can find this selection as well as others  by “Yogi P” with illustrations by  Linaji
in the recent collection of verse: A Favorite Blanket 

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.