“Ask yourself this question: ‘Will this matter a year from now?’”
On Resilience
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“Ask yourself this question: ‘Will this matter a year from now?’”
You’re an immortal freedom fighter who longs to liberate all sentient creatures from their suffering.
I promise not to walk on
anything green and tender
I promise to leave the weeding to you
Life was never meant to be safe.
It was meant to be lived right to the end.”
Mind pulls the universe out of a top hat, bows to its own applause, and walks off the stage, grinning.
The atrocities over there,
the interior paralysis over here —
Pleased with the better deal?
For no reason
I start skipping like a child.
…almost everything serious is difficult, and everything is serious.
In this one moment,
Your eyes meet mine and there is
a single looking.