…almost everything serious is difficult, and everything is serious.
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The Altar of This Moment
In this one moment,
Your eyes meet mine and there is
a single looking.
Love’s Camel
“I follow the religion of Love: Whatever way love’s camel takes, That is my religion, my faith.”
If You Listen
If you listen
Not to the pages or preachers
But to the smallest flower
Here I am Again
Here I am again, Lord,
offering you the fruit of
all my actions.
Money and Separation
Only when our sense of self expands to include others, through love, is that truism replace by its opposite: “More for you is also more for me”
Human only….
We are human only in contact, and conviviality, with what is NOT human.
I Had To Seek The Physician
I had to seek the Physician
because of the pain this world
caused me.
Say it!…
Do not miss a single chance — not one single opportunity —
to tell someone how wonderful they are