I have sat in the pews of hundreds of churches
Praised your name-Praised your name
Everyday things are going …..right!
The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
Joseph and the Mirror
All you are here for, and the entire meaning of the Path of Love, is to bring before God a heart bright as a mirror, so God can see His own face in it
The Possibility of Being Wrong
Have you considered the possibility that everything you believe is wrong, not merely off a bit, but totally wrong, nothing like things as they really are?
God and Dog
…our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given.”
Bodhisattvas 101
“Look hard and you will see bodhisattvas everywhere…there are countless unknown bodhisattvas everywhere
Love has no ……
Love has no Labels
The Poison of the Spiritual Bypass
‘Spiritual Bypass’, the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings, unresolved wounds,
“A Frequency No Intellect Can Unlock”
There is not a single Messiah, Prophet or Savior in this era that will come and balance these elitist forces.