Sun Tracks
Sun Tracks

The track of the sun across the sky leaves its shining message, Illuminating, Strengthening, Warming 
us who are here, Showing us we are not alone, we are yet ALIVE! And this fire… Our fire… Shall not die. --- Choctaw Sun Prayer Thank you Nick Polizzi Host of Remedy:...

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Like the River Runs….
Like the River Runs….

If I run like the river runs If I fall like water falls Oh if I breathe like the wind Will I ever learn it all? If I change like autumn leaves If I grow like summer weeds If I'm quiet as snow Will I ever know it all, learn it all? Refrain from the song Run like the...

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On Imperfection
On Imperfection

“Imperfection also makes growth possible. Like it or not, the main way we learn is by falling flat on our face, just as we did when we first learned to walk. Our parents may tell us a million times not to touch that hot stove, but it’s only after we actually burn...

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On Being Special
On Being Special

The following is from a very 'special' woman that I had the fortune to interview on my podcast  some time ago.  She has written  a very 'special' book called Application of Impossible Things about her experience and the subsequent learnings from a near fatal bombing...

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The End of Suffering
The End of Suffering

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly So that all suffering in them ceases, understanding comes to their heart And they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal dharma...

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Grati-dude for Fathers
Grati-dude for Fathers

This Father’s Day, let’s not only honor all the fathers and father-like figures in our lives but also extend to them a lot of gratitude. Being a parent is a huge responsibility, and we owe a majority of the shape and texture of our lives to our parents. Fathers — and...

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Confucius said, "Sincerity is the way of heaven; arriving at sincerity is the way of man. The sincere person does the right thing without trying, understands the truth without thinking, and acts always in keeping with the Tao." Only those who have absolute sincerity...

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A Field of Action
A Field of Action

This whole world is a field of action; You plow it To raise a rich crop But the wild deer Of  attachment Ruins the harvest and most return Empty -handed to the barn -Kabir as Translated by Andrew Harvey in Turn Me to Gold - 108 Poems of Kabir

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