On Relationship…
On Relationship…

A good relationship has a pattern like a dance and is built on some of the same rules. The partners do not need to hold on tightly, because they move confidently in the same pattern, intricate but gay and swift and free... To touch heavily would be to arrest the...

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Controlling Circumstances
Controlling Circumstances

…There's always going to be something that is going to challenge your idea that you can control circumstances. You cannot control circumstances. You never intended to control circumstances. You intended to discover unconditional love. You intended to discover a way to...

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Bless my Heart…
Bless my Heart…

The road of life gives us many opportunities to bless every heart . Consider the following possibilities; What if I bless my heart all the time no matter what? What If I honor and bless myself for who I am right now? What if I bless my heart, because it feels good?...

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Of youth, beauty and getting old
Of youth, beauty and getting old

"One rule of the game, in most times and places, is that it’s the young who are beautiful. The beauty ideal is always a youthful one. This is partly simple realism. The young are beautiful. The whole lot of ’em. The older I get, the more clearly I see that and enjoy...

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Your imagination is the single most important asset you possess. Your imagination is your power to create mental pictures of things that don't exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Your imagination is what you use to shape your future. And so in your own...

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Power and Poetry
Power and Poetry

When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. -John F. Kennedy

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Which is Worth More?
Which is Worth More?

Which is worth more, a crowd of thousands, or your own genuine solitude? Freedom, or the power over an entire nation? A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given to you. ---Jallal al-Din Rumi...

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To the GodIdontbelievein
To the GodIdontbelievein

"I am a devout atheist," writes Tom of Ohio, "but I have to explain to my atheist friends that I do pray to the 'GodIdontbelievein.' "My first direct contact with this Divinity arrived when I was coming out of anesthesia after surgery. I was somehow aware of my...

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