First Lesson
First Lesson

Lie back daughter, let your head be tipped back in the cup of my hand. Gently, and I will hold you. Spread your arms wide, lie out on the stream and look high at the gulls. A dead-man's float is face down. You will dive and swim soon enough where this tidewater ebbs...

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Harmony doesn't seem extraordinary until you have known him for a while. He knows how to be gentle, and such gentleness is surprisingly powerful. The silence around him is lyrical. If I sit in his kitchen in the late afternoon and drink ginger tea, by the time I am...

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When I Was Young
When I Was Young

Years ago, when I thought I would live forever, the thrust of youth seemed endless, like the sky expanding to hold my dreams. The path to knowledge was filled with expectation, yet Disillusion blurred my eyes and in my sleep a holy man appeared To warn me about life's...

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No longer want to be better….
No longer want to be better….

In my heart of hearts, I no longer want to be Better than you Smarter than you Thinner than you Prettier than you Faster than you Stronger than you More accomplished than you More creative than you A better mother than you A better friend than you Better educated than...

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Sea Glass
Sea Glass

I want to age like sea glass. Smoothed by tides, but not broken I want my hard edges to soften. I want to ride the waves and go with the flow. I want to catch a wave and let it carry me to where I belong I want to be picked up and held gently by those who delight in...

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If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. - Eleanora Duse

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I Want a Lot….
I Want a Lot….

You see, I want a lot. Perhaps I want everything: the darkness that comes with every infinite fall and the shivering blaze of every step up. So many live on and want nothing, And are raised to the rank of prince By the slippery ease of their light judgements. But what...

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Repurposing Birthdays
Repurposing Birthdays

Celebrating the day you came into this world
 is fine But… Rather than ask How many years old am I or How many years do I have, Try Celebrating How many times you’ve told your partner,
husband,son,daughter, yourself… I love you! Make merry On the many times have you...

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All we need
All we need

All we need is the morning. As long as there is sunrise, then there is the possibility that we can face all of our misfortunes, celebrate all our blessings, and live all our endeavors as human beings. Spirituality is something that has become necessary in these...

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