“No matter what the practice or teaching, ego loves to wait in ambush to appropriate spirituality for its own survival and gain.” – Chögyam Trungpa, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism As we progressively advance on our spiritual awakening paths, our Soul essence...
The Grand Adventure
"The privilege of a lifetime is becoming yourself." -Joseph Campbell- Think of the Art of Living Well as a Grand Adventure. Become the Heroine or Hero of your own life by giving yourself permission to set out on the adventure of living a better life. Allow yourself...
Being spiritual…
Being spiritual means a good many things, and most of them are misunderstood by a good many people. So, to clarify, here's how I see "it" and you: Being spiritual means seeing yourself as divine, not just of the divine; a creator, not just the created. You needn't be...
Consider a world without consciousness.
Consider a world without consciousness. The darkness is a bubbling cauldron of energy and vibrating matter, locked in the dance of thermal agitation. Through shared electrons, or the strange attraction of unlike charges, quivering molecules, not free to roam, absorb...
A Slave no More
Be not the slave of your own past plunge into sublime seas, drive deep, and swim far So you shall come back with self respect, with new power,with an advanced experience, that shall explain and overlook the old. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson ...
Something To Give Back
Here is my deepest and most pleasing secret; I have something to give back to the Creator. It is no material thing, this offering, but the emanation of my being, a wordless rejoicing, spirit giving back to spirit, my life as heart-felt offering. What I give is taken...
Dalai Lama on Leaders
Over the past nearly 60 years, I have engaged with many leaders of governments, companies, and other organizations, and I have observed how our societies have developed and changed. I am happy to share some of my observations in case others may benefit from what I...
Are you a Bridge between two worlds?
I felt this article was worth sharing but a bit long for the post so here is the link for Are you a Bridge Between Two Worlds by Christina Lavers Well worth the read.
All I Need to Know I Learned from Noah’s Ark
Don't miss the boat. Remember that we are all in the same boat. Plan ahead. It was raining when Noah built the ark Stay fit. When you're 600 years old someone may ask you to do something really big. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be...