“A single ego is an absurdly narrow vantage point from which to view the world,” wrote occultist Aleister Crowley.

Author Gore Vidal agreed, saying, “Since no one can ever know for certain whether or not his own view of life is the correct one, it is absolutely impossible for him to know if someone else’s is the wrong one.”

All of us can perpetually benefit from this counsel. And it will be especially healthy to heed during the next four weeks.

Humility will be a superpower.

Blessings will flow your way if you don’t need to be right all the time.

As you refrain from regarding your own opinions as God’s holy decrees, you will generate good fortune for yourself.

From an astrology reading from Robert Breszny

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.