The word “imagination” gets little respect. For many people, it connotes “make-believe” and is primarily the domain of children and artists. But the truth is that your imagination is the engine of your destiny. It’s the single most important tool you have in your daily campaign to be free. It’s the source of every act of liberation you will ever need to pull off.

file024That’s why it’s so disturbing to know that all over the planet, the imagination is deeply wounded-paralyzed by the media’s nonstop onslaught of toxic psychic waste. How can you generate images that energize you to create your highest good if your mind’s eye is swarming with dazzling yet vacuous and fear-inducing stories crafted by the most monumental brainwashing juggernaut in the history of the world?

I call this ongoing tragedy the genocide of the imagination. Because of it, many people cannot access their greatest magical power. They have forsaken the sanctity of their sacred temples, allowing them to be defiled with soulless images and stories that are at odds with their deepest desires. As a result they live incoherent lives corroded by chronic anxiety.

If we hope to prevent the genocide of the imagination, we’ve got to perpetrate massive, mirthful attacks of pronoia.
But we have to do it without acting like True Believers, because fanaticism is anathema to our cause. Our strategy is to be blithe and flexible as we learn not just to believe, but actually perceive the truth that life is a benevolent conspiracy designed to keep mutating our immortal souls until they’re so far beyond perfection that perfection is irrelevant.

We will succeed. We will overthrow the doom and gloom fixation and make the cause of zoom and boom irresistible. Our parties will be better than theirs. Our jokes will be funnier, our jobs more enjoyable, our lovemaking more revelatory. We’ll dream up tricks to create an environment in which it’s more fun and interesting to talk about wise bliss than clever cynicism.

We will build shrines devoted to righteous pleasure and amusing truth and boisterous integrity in the ugliest places we know. We will unleash praise and gratitude without regard for the taboos we shatter thereby. And we will perform senseless acts of altruistic chutzpah everywhere we go.     —Robert Breszny

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

—Albert Einstein



Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.