What’s it like?
What more can you learn of oneself through the mirror of another’s eyes?
Did you sign up together in some forgotten time?
Agreeing to this tour of…. Discovery?
Can it be that over this linear road
The beauty continues to unfold?
Past the times of hurt
Past the times of Joy
Past the rest-less moments and
The moments of rest
Plugging through the undergrowth and the muck
Doggedly, moment to moment
Confronting the familiar patterns
To forgive just once more
Does it allow one to see to the heart of it All?
What’s it like
To see past the shell?
To discover the lines that weren’t there yesterday and realize
They’re just another masterful brushstroke
When hands are held time and again
What secrets are kept there?
What dramas have unfolded?
Dreams born and died before your sets of eyes?
How many times have no words passed between pairs of lips
Yet the deepest of Conversation ensues
What’s it like
To define Love
Time and time and time again?
What’s it like… Just Muckin’ along?