On a day
when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a

My eyes are like the sun that makes promises;
the promise of life
that it always keeps

each morning.

The living heart gives to us as does that luminous sphere,
both caress the earth with great

There is a breeze that can enter the soul.
This love I know plays a drum.  Arms move around me;
who contain their self before my beauty?

Peace is wonderful,
but ecstatic dance is more fun and less narcissistic;
gregarious he makes our lips

On a day when the wind is perfect
the sail just needs to open
and the love starts.

Today is such
a day.


Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.