There is an old saying that states, “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” My teacher, who I call the Chinese Master, would often state, “Do not allow aging to become bewilderment, for what you do with it determines your journey you will embark upon.”
When one reaches their 50’s, they start thinking, “God, I am starting to get old.” When they reach their 60’s, “Shit, I feel old”, when they reach their 70’s, “What the hell happened?” Aging is natural, growing older is natural; developing an old angry and stubborn consciousness is not. We are bombarded daily on the Internet, television, radio, and paper adds promoting the fountain of youth. Take this pill, lotion, class, or what have you to prevent growing old. What rubbish our minds are filled with as we approach or have achieved growing old.
The most common definition for ‘old fart’ is an older adult who holds views that are considered old-fashioned. The title is The Joy of Becoming An Old Fart. How can we age gracefully and enjoy our old age or future old age? It is going to happen whether you are in your 20’s or 30’s. Do not regret growing older, or you will age into an old fart without the joy.
Can we experience joy from being in positive old fashion energy? Yes, often, old fashion is of superior quality compared to today. How many are old enough to remember an actual old fashion hamburger and milkshake, or if you are a vegetarian, how many are old enough to remember eating fruits and vegetables grown in clean soil, full of flavor and energy? How many can remember what self-respect is, respecting children and the elderly? How many can remember honoring truthfulness, whether it be this life or a past life? Indeed, I could go and on with the list. When did old fashion respect and honor go out of fashion?
There are undoubtedly many negatives in old fashion as well, but what I am addressing is reflecting upon all the old that has genuinely been valuable in our life. Allow the joys we have experienced in reaching our old age to be in our consciousness. But too often, when ones reach old age, they begin dwelling upon the pain, suffering, and depression. Could this be why somewhere along the way, we began forgetting all the positive experiences of life and now dwell on the pain and fear of growing old?
When we wake up each morning, what are our first thoughts? Is it, “Oh shit, my back is stiff, another day, here we go again”? Your first thoughts in the morning upon awakening are formulating your plan of expression and experience for the day.
When the mind becomes tired of learning, it becomes tired of living.
Love, humor, and laughter are the three most potent energies to enjoy old age. What is in your life that prevents this? I understand one may state my body does not work as it used to, so how can I see humor and experience laughter? Love is the answer, love of self, love of your body, love of what you have accomplished.
One day older is one day closer to your death. But this was true when you were ten, or twenty, or thirty. Each day you move closer to completion, do not see it as punishment or something to be feared. Allow yourself to visualize, meditate on your future, go to the day before you leave the physical, then ask yourself this question. What regrets do I have? Write down those regrets and make a commitment that each day you have left, you will put forth an effort to resolve those regrets, so when you approach the day of your departure, nothing will hold your mental or emotional energies behind.
As I said at the beginning of this article, “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” Never live in regret of who you are. Perhaps you have done things in your past you are not proud of, but also understand you are no longer that person. Each day, year, or decade you become a different person. Don’t hold guilt and anger over something a different part of you did in the past. Allow the past to be done, allow the future to be peaceful, allow the now to be love so you can experience humor and laughter. Look how hard you worked to live to be the age you are, that is to be congratulated. Indeed, you did not work that hard to be a grumpy old fart or a cantankerous old broad. See the humor in these names by accepting the fact you are getting older, or you are old. Let go of the old age status of society. Societies come and go, and norms come and go. But you as a soul are eternal, you as a soul loves, you as a soul does experience humor and laughter.
The fountain of youth does not exist. Stop wasting your money on fake pills, promising the fountain of youth, and embrace your internal, eternal youth. Your body is used, but not used up. Be proud of how your body has served you throughout your life, whether your body is thin, wide, short, or tall. It always serves your purpose.
Love life and life will love you.
Next time someone calls you an old fart or a tough old broad, wear the title with pride. Wear your old age with dignity.
You deserve it.
by Hossca Harrison