
The point is this:

….all of us are sharing a unique experience that takes real and amazing skill.

We have absolutely no idea how amazing and totally cool we are, really , each of us and how totally amazing and cool it is that we can maintain a physical body and comprehend experience from within time and space as we do…

…it takes specified skill on the part of consciousness to operate effectively in the physical vibrations that we occupy….

We are already the Whole Self, perfect, complete, and ever-changing though we may only be consciously aware of a small portion of ourselves.

We’re each deliberate beings with detailed cooperative plans for our lives….all personalities are perfect in their unique expression.

If we do nothing but enjoy a day, no matter how small and petty it may seem, we’ve accomplished something valuable.

Everything we do, everything we imagine has value and purpose.

Every existence has meaning.

Application of Impossible Things
   My Near Death Experience In Iraq
Natalie Sudman

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.