Wisdom tells me I am nothing.  Love tells me I am everything.  Between these two, my life flows.

There are three things that are real: God, human folly, and laughter.
The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, quoting from the Ramayana

I am not a Christian, not Jew, not Hindu, not Buddhist.  I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one, and that one called two and know, first last, outer, inner, only that breath, breathing, human being.
—Jalla al Din Rumi

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.