W5StarFormingRegionThere is this ‘soup’
Of Divine Chaos that is being stirred constantly.

Perhaps the spoon
An energy called Choice

The main condiment called Destiny.

In this moment as I dip my spoon to take a taste
I don’t know ‘exactly’
Where I’m dipping,
But there is this certainty
That this broth was prepared
lovingly, and unerringly
I am grateful, excited for the ‘taste’
I am about to receive.
Flavors I remember,
Bring a sense of peace and calm,
While others that I seem to be exposed to for he first time
Bring the “Wow!”
My taste buds and I
Savor this moment,
There will not be another like it…
Sometimes I greedily plunge the spoon in,
Sometimes times I am more timid
Even afraid
As thoughts of “will I like it?”
Get in the way of the experience.
The taste is bitter at first
It’s warmth courses through me
As I close my eyes
An acquired taste
Called wisdom
Guides me in a widening
Circle of acceptance and compassion.
I bow to the chef
Of this incredible recipe

Bon Apetite!

Paul Reynolds

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.