There is this ‘soup’
Of Divine Chaos that is being stirred constantly.
Perhaps the spoon
An energy called Choice
The main condiment called Destiny.
In this moment as I dip my spoon to take a taste
I don’t know ‘exactly’
Where I’m dipping,
But there is this certainty
That this broth was prepared
lovingly, and unerringly
I am grateful, excited for the ‘taste’
I am about to receive.
Flavors I remember,
Bring a sense of peace and calm,
While others that I seem to be exposed to for he first time
Bring the “Wow!”
My taste buds and I
Savor this moment,
There will not be another like it…
Sometimes I greedily plunge the spoon in,
Sometimes times I am more timid
Even afraid
As thoughts of “will I like it?”
Get in the way of the experience.
The taste is bitter at first
It’s warmth courses through me
As I close my eyes
An acquired taste
Called wisdom
Guides me in a widening
Circle of acceptance and compassion.
I bow to the chef
Of this incredible recipe
Bon Apetite!
Paul Reynolds