I knew there was a reason that Christmas has always been a favorite holiday.  I could never quite buy into the story of the Christ consciousness ‘born into being’ on this particular day.  But true to the yogic tradition of connection and ‘bringing together’  our revered St. Nick was in reality an amalgam of energies dating way before the ‘birth’ of Christ (whose real birth date is highly debatable by the way)

A delightful synopsis of this research is wonderfully presented by Nick Polizzi on his blog post entitled: Is Santa A Shamanic Sun God?

I invite all my readers and ‘Christmas scholars‘ to avail themselves of this piece to consider and add to your knowledge of Yule tide revelry.  The yearly time and tradition of drawing oneself inward was and is planted in our ancestral roots despite manipulation from institutions trying to use it otherwise.  Mushrooms, reindeer, and all point to the message of our taking the time to ‘go within’ to remember who we truly are and to celebrate the solstice and break the boundaries  we may have given ourselves – and continue to grow the true gift – (as I see it ) in this traditional holiday.

Have fun with Mr. Pollizzi’s writing. Here are a couple others you might enjoy:
(Click on images to go to the Amazon bookstore location)

So whether this particular holiday is ‘in your wheelhouse’ or not – all of us here at ‘Living the Question’ and a Studio for Unlimited Ideas  encourage you to tap into this energy that has endured the ages – embrace the  ‘wild’ man in you to help bring us all the gift of remembering our incredible connection not only to one another – but to all that is !!

Solstice Blessings

Posted by | Paul Reynolds
For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. This stream of inspiration embraces the philosophy that we are loved and supported every moment. You are invited to send in your favorite inspiration to be featured as well as share the ones you find here.