~ Many pressing things are resolved or made unnecessary by simply waiting. Conversely, waiting that has become mechanically habitual degrades into deadly procrastination.
~ No life, however charmed, is un-visited by searing disappointment, numbing grief, chilling betrayal, dull routine, crushing defeat, or exasperating detail.
~ There is a great restorative dignity and holy self-empowerment in playing to the best of one’s ability the hand one is dealt, however unwinning it may seem.
~ 6 minutes of walking outdoors solves more problems than 60 minutes of labored thinking.
~ Many, if not most, of the thoughts that arise and pass in a day, when observed, are revealed to be either useless, unsavory, or at best, harmless. To call them my own is neither flattering, uplifting or accurate.
~ A shower can bestow a temporary taste of being born again. It’s fine to have one for that purpose alone with no further justification.
~ Beauty is pointless wonder, and is also as vital as oxygen and supper.
~ Life without deep friendship is dark purgatory. With true friendship, the inner court of divine belonging.
~ Nearly every phenomenon that arises in life has a continuum of possible expression – from dark shadow to mundane to exalted. This is equally true of planetary influence, salad dressing, teaching Italian, gift wrapping and conversation among each other. In choosing to go more towards the exalted, and it is a choice, is good for the body, and soul. Business, too.
~ One reliably excellent act of love and friendship, perhaps the greatest, is to pay full attention.
~ Shallow breathing and uninspired posture are two of the most pervasive causes and effects of a stunted life and deranged planet.We and our planet need our deep breathing and noble bearing. Both are available right in this moment, cost not a penny, require no extra time or special training to set right. The price of admission is only loving attention, which is a lot and enough.
~ Truth, without beauty, is a soul-less tattered flag rallying no one and nothing real. Beauty, without truth, is a cracked, hollow vessel; a decorative container for gilded dung.
~ When gathered together around the dining table, it is salubrious to joyfully take the last piece of pie on the plate, sans nervous half-splitting. Most everyone watching is secretly empowered by such bold belonging and relaxed self-assertion. If not, it is probably the wrong table.
~ The greatest gift to give any situation or moment or person is a positive state of heart and mind. It is the great harmonizer and possibility engine. Nearly everything else that is done or said is either too indirect, strategic, contrived, or expensive.
~ Context is everything. Strict rulebooks are for dummies, it must be said. Nearly every statement, action, alliance or belief has a context where it is appropriate in that situation and for that moment.
~ Location, location, location – the three pronged maxim in real estate – is equally true as a moral compass and for arcs of destiny. Some places require different codes of action or non-action. Some environments evoke the best versions of ourselves; in others, we wither. In any case, we have no choice but to try to bloom where we our planted.
~ The phrase “i do not know” is a often the shortest, most effective and least expensive way of staying honest.
thank you R. Breszny for this find