The point here is to take life in all its rich variety just as it is, with its ten thousand opposites, and to go along with whatever circumstances require, embracing things after their own inclination or according to chance, letting things be rather than getting in there way and thus allowing each and every thing, each and every appearance to pursue a meaning and purpose distinct from my own” –-Kato Totsudo
Eventually, we all need to be willing to face the deepest, darkest beliefs we have about ourselves. Only in this way can we come to know that they are only beliefs, and not the truth about who we are —Ezra Bayda
Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am.
That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself.
And if I accept myself fully, in the right way, I will have already have surpassed myself.
— Thomas Merton