Remember, the way people treat us is their karma.
The way we react is our own.
We have added the beauty of our individuality,
our gift to The One.
Another Day Alone
for a while…
Loving this world
…every moment is in and of itself a life time,
My House Says To Me…
“I am the infinite sea, and all worlds
are but grains of sand upon my shore.”
We Are Not Required to Fix It
"It's OK to destroy the planet and exploit resources." How do you feel when you read that? Angry? Sad? Relieved? There's an elephant in the room – choose any color, including green – when it comes to our heroic efforts to save the planet. Simply put, it's impossible...
A Rabbit Came Near
To just be close to creatures who are so full of knowing,
so full of love that they don’t chat,
Velveteen learning…..
“Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly..... Weeks passed, and the little...
she smiled quietly and said ” I forgot it’s that simple”