
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. Perception is not reality. What appear to be faults in others may actually be reflections of our own emotional afflictions. I don't have an attitude problem; you have a perception problemRemember,...

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So Much Easier…
So Much Easier…

Surrender becomes so much easier when you realize the fleeting nature of all experiences and that the world cannot give you anything of value. You then continue to meet people, to be involved in experiences and activities, but without the wants and fears of the egoic...

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A crack in everything….
A crack in everything….

The birds they sang at the break of day Start again, I heard them say Don't dwell on what has passed away or what is yet to be. The wars they will be fought again The holy dove, be caught again bought and sold and bought again the dove is never free. Ring the bells...

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Doing from the Soul
Doing from the Soul

"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy." "Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth." "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within...

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You’re It!
You’re It!

God Disguised As a myriad things and Playing a game of tag Has kissed you and said, "You're it! --- I mean you're REALLY IT!" Now It does not matter What you believe or feel For something wonderful Major-league Wonderful Is someday going To Happen. ------...

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Spiraling Perspective
Spiraling Perspective

"The past is not static, or ever truly complete; as we age we see from new positions, shifting angles. A therapist friend of mine likes to use the metaphor of the kind of spiral stair that winds up inside a lighthouse. As one moves up that stair, the core at the...

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Romancing the Paradox
Romancing the Paradox

How do we summon the right blend of practical love and constructive anger? How do we refrain from hating other people even as we fight fiercely against the hatred and danger they have helped unleash? How do we cultivate cheerful buoyancy even as we neutralize the...

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Your Choice and Purpose
Your Choice and Purpose

"If you are here on earth wearing the human instrument, you are here out of choice and purpose. The choice was made to experience this time, this alignment with the galactic center, and the intensification of the creation beam of First Source. The purpose was to ease...

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