"Lama Surya Das, the "Buddha from Brooklyn," is one of the handful of Westerners who have been teaching meditation for decades. And yet, he says we’re doing it wrong. Lama Surya Das says there are other ways to meditate besides those that are currently popular: "So...
-- Thank you to Natalie Sudman for this find
On Suffering..
Your suffering needs to be respected. Don’t try to ignore the hurt, because it is real. Just let the hurt soften you instead of hardening you. Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt send you looking for those who will accept you instead of...
A Hopi Elder’s Prophecy
You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered. . . . Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation?...
Jedi ego…
"….At one point I read a news story about a general census in Great Britain which four hundred thousand people identified their religion as “Jedi”, or among the light saber wielding characters in Star Wars. Okay I thought, that’s an ironic statement for some, but...
Rise in Love
The stars are the eyes of Existence watching our every move, hanging upon the rise & fall of our laughter, becoming ecstatic with us in our deepest prayers weeping tears of Light when they see us cry. So let's kiss the Moment with enough vehemence & passion to...
Who is the author ?
Who is the author.....really? of… Thoughts Expression Words Chords Brushstroke Who are they and who can claim them? Buddha, Mohamed, Jesus, Babaji ? Rumi, Kabir, Hildegaard, Lao Tzu, Mira, Beethoven, Mozart, Michaelangelo, Picasso, Krishnamurti, Ramana, Campbell… ?...
Ode To Buttoning and Unbuttoning My Shirt
No one knew or at least I didn’t know they knew what the thin disks threaded here on my shirt might give me in terms of joy this is not something to be taken lightly the gift of buttoning one’s shirt slowly top to bottom or bottom to top or sometimes the buttons will...
I have learned not to worry about Love…
I have learned not to worry about love but to honor its coming with all my heart. To examine the dark mysteries of the blood with headless heed and swirl, to know the rush of feelings swift and flowing as water. The source appears to be some inexhaustible spring...