
The Fool in Me
"I must learn to love the fool in me -- the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses...

How do I listen?
How do I listen to others? As if everyone were my Master Speaking to me His Cherished Last Words. ---Hafiz

Internal freedom
— “human nature is built to give…” that may sound a little sentimental but it’s a hard,tough,real,wonderful truth about what a human being...

Thoughts on Suffering
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. —Helen Keller Almost all our suffering is the product of...

Thoughts for the New Year
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their...

Tormented connection
“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me the...

On Centering
"Centering is a verb. It is an ongoing process… Centering is not a model, but a way of balancing, a spiritual resource in times of...

What If ?
What if religion was each other? If our practice was our life? If prayer was our words? What if the Temple was the Earth? If forests were...

Stop Being So Religious
What Do sad people have in Common? It seems they have all built a shrine To the past And often go there And do a strange wail and Worship....

I Wish I Could Speak Like Music
I wish I could speak like music. I wish I could put the swaying splendor Of the fields into words So that you could hold Truth Against...

On being REAL
“’Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not...

There is a Resistance
"There is collective resistance to the new, collective resistance to forgiveness, collective resistance to claiming sovereignty. You all...

A Holiday Proclamation
Let none through anger or ill-will Wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life Her child, her only child, So with a...

The Eternal One
"We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal...

A Native American Smoke Blessing
Oh Great Spirit, I raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach my brothers and sisters in...

A Reminder….
Insight by Alan Cohen Graphic by Paul Reynolds

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Practice the arts of attention and listening. Practice renewing yourself every day. Practice meandering toward the center of every place....

Thoughts on 12 Little Known Laws of Karma
What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton's law of ‘every action must have a reaction’ When we...

In the birth canal you were anointed with the microbiome, smeared and smudged with the mighty host of earth's bacteria. Your first breath...

It’s What We Are
Beneath the seething sea of feelings, sense impressions, thoughts and interactions the ground of being rests. Like bedrock on the ocean...

For a Dancer
Keep fire burning in your eye Pay attention to the open sky You never know what will be coming down I don't remember losing track of you...

Liberate Your Imagination
Let me remind you who you really are: You're an immortal freedom fighter who longs to liberate all sentient creatures from their...