I want to fall in Love at 85
Honest Exposure
We try to protect ourselves from life and from each other because we are afraid, and what the seeker fears more than anything is being exposed.
Can Your Relationship Heal The World?
"The crisis we are facing is a crisis in which the sacred powers of love in the human soul are being diverted by distraction, by greed, by...
“Virtually all artists encounter such moments. Fear that your next work will fail is a normal, recurring and generally healthy part of the...
The Sun Never Says
"Even after all this time The sun never says to the Earth "You owe me." Look what happens with a Love like that It lights the whole sky...
This Surprising Truth
Experience my reality even once, and your life is changed, rearranged, priorities shifting like a lid has been lifted off a pot of boiling liquid.
Inside You
The Guest is inside you, and also inside me: you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed. We are all struggling; none of us has gone...
No one told me…
No one told me it would be like this—
how growing older is another passage of discovery
Coming up for Breath
“There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. “
Ganesh Is Fresh (feat. Jai Uttal) · MC YOGI
Back of God’s Hand
No Matter Where I roam…
On Partnership and Reality
The new female and the new male
are partners on a journey of spiritual growth.
"Of all modern notions, the worst is this: that domesticity is dull. Inside the home, they say, is dead decorum and routine; outside is...
I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends,...
The way we think of ourselves
... we can all look forward to a year of extremes in our world, and powerful transformation in our lives. The Extremes: "... if there was...
The Stew
A doorway falls apart Shadows puddle round my toes and your life just misses mine… where you will find: My crevasse of caring heart My...
Acknowledge your Demons
You have to recognize the demons or else they'll annoy you like mosquitoes, But if you acknowledge their existence, if you say, "All...
A law of One view of Enlightenment
From the Law of One: 17.2 Ra speaks - - “We cannot teach enlightenment. Enlightenment is of the moment, is an opening to intelligent...
There’s still time…
Please….. Let……
Please bring strange things. Please come bringing new things. Let very old things come into your hands. Let what you do not know come into...
Where to Look
Brian Andreas - Story People
I remember the first time I ever heard my master recite the verse of Ibn'Arabi. It was Christmas day. And my master said this poem, in...
All Right Here
"It is helpful to realize that being here, sitting in meditation, doing simple everyday things like working, walking outside, talking with...
Yoga – Relationship-Relationship-Yoga
When it is that time of season and we see the petals of spring start to respond to the ever-present calling of the sun and the ‘urge to...