“The whole earth is nothing but you.”
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Trip Advisor’s No.1 Metaphysical Location — is Back!
Most pass by too quickly and never see it. Others just “happen” upon it.
Our Collective Initiation
“It does no good to turn and run from the terror of our darkness into light; we must sit it out: zazen.
The Ambiguous Identity of Truth and Bears…
The truth is like the bear. Is it a gentle beast, a model for the stuffed animal children love?
The Four Sisters of Everlasting Beauty
“Honor yourself before all else and you will embrace all life, All direction, All stars, All light.”
Love after Love
Give wine, Give bread, Give back your heart to itself
What really Matters at the End of Life
we will all go through (death) whether it be the one who is ‘leaving’ or the one(s) that are caring for them as they do.
On Resilience
“Ask yourself this question: ‘Will this matter a year from now?’”
Let me remind you
You’re an immortal freedom fighter who longs to liberate all sentient creatures from their suffering.