Living the Question Blog

“There ain’t no answer. There ain’t going to be any answer. There never has been an answer.     That’s the answer.”

– Gertrude Stein

A Perspective

A Perspective

“If the gospel isn't good news for everybody, then it isn't good news for anybody. And this is because the most powerful things happen...

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The Central Harmony

The Central Harmony

What is bestowed by heaven is called human nature. The fulfillment of human nature is called the Tao. The cultivation of the Tao is called...

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Take a Look There

Take a Look There

Spend some time with the People of Heart; in their presence, you'll find a heart too. If you thirst for the beauty of the eternal Beloved,...

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Our Deepest Fear….

Our Deepest Fear….

Our deepest fear is not that We are inadequate Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure It is is our Light, not our...

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A Piece of the Puzzle

A Piece of the Puzzle

“Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless...

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It Is Not Enough

It Is Not Enough

It is not not enough to know It is not enough to follow The inward road conversing in secret It is not enough to see straight ahead to...

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Journey Home

Journey Home

The time that my journey takes is long and the way of it long. I came out on the chariot of the first gleam of light, and pursued my...

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Seduce Thyself

Seduce Thyself

The old Delphic Oracle in ancient Greece said: Know Thyself.
 “Know” in the sacred texts always means: carnal knowledge. “And Adam knew...

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Too Lazy

Too Lazy

 Too lazy to be ambitious, I let the world take care of itself. Ten days' worth of rice in my bag; a bundle of twigs by the fireplace. Why...

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Some thoughts on the nature of 'Being' Some thoughts on the nature of 'Being' Thank you Alannah Levian for this find If this resonates you...

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The Yogi as artist

The Yogi as artist

“….. No artist is pleased . There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction…”

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This Chapter

This Chapter

This chapter is closed now Not one word more Until we meet some day and the voices rising To the window Take wing and fly Open the old...

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You are…you?

You are…you?

You are as much your body, your thoughts, or your feelings as you are a car, an apartment, or a pen! When we say, “my car” or “my...

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Split You Wide Open

Split You Wide Open

Light will someday split you open Even if your life is now a cage For a Divine seed, the crown of destiny, Is hidden and sown on an...

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Willing to experience aloneness, I discover connection everywhere; Turning to face my fear, I meet the warrior who lives within; Opening...

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What is enlightenment?

What is enlightenment?

"There is a lot of confusion over this imaginary goal, this spiritual concept referred to as enlightenment.  So let's clear it up, once...

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The Taste of Truth

The Taste of Truth

For the moment I've stopped struggling. The undertow tugs at my clothes and the current takes me where it will. Surrender sounds like...

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Hiding is a way of staying alive. Hiding is a way of holding ourselves until we are ready to come into the light. "Even hiding the truth...

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I have walked though many lives Some of them my own, And I am not who I was, Though some principle of being Abides, from which I struggle...

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