Ascension: Distraction or Incentive?
I believe in Ascension, but not as it is viewed in New Age circles. The more painful and chaotic life on earth becomes, the more the word...

A man once cursed the Buddha to his face. the Buddha only smiled. The man became even more incensed and asked, "Why don't you respond?"...

Internal Talk
We talk to ourselves incessantly about our world. In fact we maintain our world with our internal talk. And whenever we finish talking to...

Indras Net
There is an endless net of threads throughout The Universe The horizontal threads are in space The vertical threads are in time At the...

Run Towards The Roar
The world, despite its disasters, tragedies and villainies, can't end unless it runs out of stories. For this world is made of stories,...

What is right with you anyway?….
Psychiatry and psychotherapy obsess on what's wrong with people and give short shrift to what's right. The manual of these professions is...

In Your Best Interest

Your purpose
Your purpose on earth is to take any and all...

Are You Done…?
Sometimes when you think you are done, it's just the edge of the beginning. Probably that's why we decide we're done. It's getting too...

Making LIfe Meaningful
"It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning — insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions responsibly — we...

What (you might ask yourself) would a solitude be that didn’t have some greatness to it? For there is only one solitude, and it is large...

Like Water
“The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It flows to low places loathed by all men. Therefore, it is...
Mental Health: Dysfunction of our Psyche and a Path to Restoration
If you have not listened to Dr. Zach Bush - give yourself some time to listen here, one of our most profound, thinker/feelers of our age....

Jumping into the darkness….
We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Ordinary Acts
The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest. -- Thomas Moore

Enhancing Your Loving Lust For Life
Code words for experiments in enhancing your lust for life: numinous: (adj.) describing an experience that makes you overwhelmed yet...

Define Truth
"So here is how I define truth: something is true if it transforms me and aligns me with Source. And something is ultimate truth if it...

Paradoxes: best wakefulness in sleep, wealth in having nothing, a pearl necklace fastened around an iron collar. Fire contained in...

Take a cookie…

Amazonía 2041: A Vision From the Future
Thank you Anne Adams for this find

"I had tended to view waiting as mere passivity," says author Sue Monk Kidd in her memoir. "When I looked it up in my dictionary, however,...

Gratitude in Advance
....Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe. Most people do not know this, yet it is true. Expressing...

Next Step
Graphic by Paul Reynolds Find this and other 'reminders' on Red Bubble...